Retrobot Interruption. (17)


The Retrobots take over when the show crashes. Before the big breakdown though, we get in a word of the week. Clean dogs, racy movies, and an update to the web page. There’s a donate button, so click it often and slip us a few dollars to keep things going.

We feature a bunch of animals in the news. Hungry crocodiles, gangster deer on the rampage, stolen camels, and rescued sea turtles in Texas. Just as we get ready for the mid-show break, the Internet connection goes away. While Keith tries to bring it back, the Retrobots do their best to keep you entertained.

We feature the Blind White Cane Rap. Terry has been trying to locate the artist to get permission to use it in the podcast. We use it anyway, but if someone knows who to contact to get permission, or give proper attribution, please let us know.

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