Gangsta Squirrel. (14)

A squirrel eating a nut on a tree.

We have lots of blindness-related fun and hilarity coming at you, starting with a word on an online community for blind folks to enjoy descriptive movies, and much more. The opening stories focus on misunderstanding disabilities, then we get into the weird news of the week.

Though we experience some technical difficulties, and a tiny chunk of the news is cut off, enjoy knife toting squirrels, a bunny trapped in a basement, a hunt for bigfoot, and crazy crooks, including a naked man in Florida.

The blindness theme returns with Terry’s top ten list of what to do when meeting a blind person. Jill leads the way in the anchor topic with tips to know on learning Braille. Even with the technology troubles, we pack up the episode with a letter from a blue-haired listener and closing thoughts.

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