Super Valentine. (16)

Heart shapes with grunge background.

After some flaky website trouble that turned into server problems, an infectious hacker was kicked out and our web page has returned.

In our slightly belated episode, we talk about the recent Super Bowl, and fun with kids on Valentine’s Day. Our featured news of the week includes lizards, cows, the lottery, snakes, but no squirrels or deer this week.

After Terry’s Top Ten on Valentines’ trivia, our anchor topic is on how blind people use communications. In particular using the telephone, from the good old days of rotary phones to the magic of modern smartphones. It only makes talking on the phone easier. There’s an extra audio story from Terry before we wrap up with closing thoughts.

With the reboot of the website, we’re trying to make it easier to contact us and donate money to keeping the fun coming. Check out the PayPal donate button at the top of every page. Don’t forget to drop us a line on our contact page with your funny story.

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