Alligator Revenge. (42)

Alligator with mouth open and lying next to water.

New stuff is happening with Terry’s pool, and Jill tells about a messy start to a play she went to over the weekend. Keith presents the holidays for the week, including some special days for cats, and even mosquitos. If anyone knows what a Cuban sandwich is, please drop us a line and let us know.

News of the week includes bears in a grocery store, a bowling ball burial ground, alligators trying to cross the road, 40-year-old wedding cake, an alligator set free from a miniature golf course, unusual world records, and more. Jill’s words of the week have us stumped, although Terry gets his first-ever win. Terry has a top ten of unusual weapons before we turn to our anchor topic.

We review the various categories of blindness rehab, in hopes that the overview of topics to train in might motivate some listener questions, and give a bird’s eye view of the benefits of the rehab system. To wind down, we respond to a few “Would You Rather” questions and read a couple of listener emails.

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