
Holiday Moose. (63)

Holiday Moose. (63) Bull Elk Wading Through Pond.

As we start off, Terry opens with a story about trouble with his mobile devices. Jill has an unusual experience with soap. Since Keith doesn’t have much to say, we turn to interrogating our guest host, Chris the wild moose. He does us a favor and reads our holidays for the week. Get ready for […]

Snapping Turtle. (61)

Snapping Turtle. (61) Boy riding turtle wearing hat.

Jill and Keith talk about their holidays with family and friends. Lots of fun with kid’s presents and feasting. Meanwhile, Terry has been getting the worst from covid and still has a few days left before his quarantine is over. Don’t worry, we all stayed socially distanced and no hosts were harmed in the production […]

Christmas Party. (59)

Christmas Party. (59) Christmas candles in front of a stained-glass window.

We open with some Christmas happenings, then turn to this week’s holidays. There are a few odd ones, plenty of fun food days and things to roll into the Christmas spirit. News of the week features bears, dumb thieves, accidents and more. Keith wraps up his gift giving ideas. Jill’s words of the week get […]

Deer Are People Too. (58)

Deer Are People Too. (58) Deer and laptop computer design.

Terry opens with a report on his birthday, and a grandkid who age him by 27 years. Keith doesn’t have much going on, but Jill talks about Christmas partying with church ladies. Holidays this week give tribute to historic events, religious days, animals, food, and other interesting things. Our news features plenty of deer trying […]

Deer in Training. (55)

Deer in Training. (55) A reindeer resting on the ground in Norway.

Opening stories include a recent hospital stay with Terry and a welcome to new listeners. Keith makes fun of a sensitive commercial, and Jill tells about an unusual napkin. Moving on to holidays, there is plenty to celebrate. Days for children. Manly days. Yummy food days. There are even some personal milestones to mention. In […]

This Episode Smells. (54)

This Episode Smells. (54) Young Girl Holding Her Nose at the Dinner Table.

This week’s updates include construction projects, thumb-sucking babies and the ever-changing chaos of kids holidays include freedom. Chaos, gaming, Marines in particular, and veterans in general. Other days remember Sesame street, happy hour, pizza, musicians, odd socks, nurses, and more. In the news this week we still have some leftover Halloween stories. A pair of […]