Our opening stories are dominated by Jill this week and set the stage for straying from our usual format a little. Smelly bathrooms, hungry dogs, emergency visitors, and more. In moving into our news segment, we share the first round of fun, easy and harmless pranks to celebrate April Fools Day. Musical cars, and signs […]
Category: Audio
Sleep Habits. (21)
Helpful pets are featured in our opening segment. Attention turns to the news and goats on the run, a comfortable racoon, a womanizing con man, an irresponsible dad, and more. What ever happened to Ronald MacDonald? What’s the news on Rubik’s cube? Terry’s top ten is about unusual things people do while sleep walking. After […]
Super Wish List. (19)
Opening stories involve a false alarm for church and prankster brothers. After a quick sponsor message, we turn to the weird news of the week. Crocodiles on the loose, turkeys with teeth, a hungry bass, overachieving surgeons, and more. After a quick break, Terry’s Top Ten features Dr. Seuss, and the Retrobots have some super […]
Wild Irish Animals. (18)
Our opening stories are about dogs, hundred-year-old grandkids, and a few items of housekeeping. Be sure to hit up our donate button and use the contact page to tell us your funny story. We also have a note on our podcast ranking. The news headlines feature stories on a late-breaking topic. The racist Dr. Seuss […]
Retrobot Interruption. (17)
The Retrobots take over when the show crashes. Before the big breakdown though, we get in a word of the week. Clean dogs, racy movies, and an update to the web page. There’s a donate button, so click it often and slip us a few dollars to keep things going. We feature a bunch of […]
Super Valentine. (16)
After some flaky website trouble that turned into server problems, an infectious hacker was kicked out and our web page has returned. In our slightly belated episode, we talk about the recent Super Bowl, and fun with kids on Valentine’s Day. Our featured news of the week includes lizards, cows, the lottery, snakes, but no […]
Unlucky Deer and the Lottery. (15)
To open, we share stories of kids from long ago. Fires, flour, and speech troubles. News of the week features naked men from Florida, airplane parts and trees falling from the sky, unlucky deer, lottery winners, false Amber alerts, and more. Terry’s top ten is all about the big football game that dominates TV ratings […]
Gangsta Squirrel. (14)
We have lots of blindness-related fun and hilarity coming at you, starting with a word on an online community for blind folks to enjoy descriptive movies, and much more. The opening stories focus on misunderstanding disabilities, then we get into the weird news of the week. Though we experience some technical difficulties, and a tiny […]
Changing Presidents. (13)
Of course we mention the recent changing of hands in the nation’s capital, but don’t worry, it gets funnier. We open with hunting mishaps, toddler duct tape, and feature plenty of wacky animals in the news. Dogs and goats elected to office, winning elections by the luck of the draw, and deer hunting gone wrong. […]
Those Blind Dogs. (12)
Opening with stories both old and new, get ready for some soapy fun, updates on books we’re reading, and some news that doesn’t involve the lottery, and is slim on animals. Unless you count dinosaurs and a naked man being rescued from a tree. Terry has a top ten list of dumb things that blind […]