Category: Audio

Lizard King. (128)

Lizard King. (128) Photograph of lizards and salamanders in nature.

Technical problems plague our episode, and more than the listener will probably ever know. Terry continues to sum up his time spent at the Heinz blind rehab center, and Keith talks about a fancy new cash register system. Jill is back to knitting animals for her grandkids, but another technical glitch means it’s time for […]

Zipper Critter. (125)

Zipper Critter. (125) Blue Spotted Stingray

all right everybody this is the podcast that sounds funny… we are coming at you on the last week of march it is march twenty-eight two thousand twenty-three seasons 3-show 21 episode one two five! We are climbing up that episode ladder. we are to blind brothers and a blind sister who tell it the […]