Deer Are People Too. (58)

Deer and laptop computer design.

Terry opens with a report on his birthday, and a grandkid who age him by 27 years. Keith doesn’t have much going on, but Jill talks about Christmas partying with church ladies. Holidays this week give tribute to historic events, religious days, animals, food, and other interesting things.

Our news features plenty of deer trying to get in some shopping, Christmas decorating, church services and generally encountering humans. We also mention some world records and Keith has more Christmas shopping tips. Jill has her typically weird words to keep us guessing. Terry’s top ten involves unusual uses for food.

The anchor topic is led by Terry, as he shares his experience with a machine for diabetics to track blood sugar. The freedom Libre is about the size of a business card and uses a wireless sensor that continuously tracks blood sugar. The sensor fastens to the arm, is water-resistant, and has a battery life of up to 14 days. There’s only one button to use to get the current reading.

The device doesn’t speak, so to be accessible to the blind, you need a smartphone or device that can do Optical Character Recognition (OCr)
In Terry’s case, Seeing AI on his iPhone
First, get the OCR app ready. Scan the Libre device near the sensor and you hear a beep. When you hit the button on the device, the display turns on for about 10 seconds. To see the current reading, with a listing of recent readings, use the OCR app. Hold the Libre so the phone camera can see it. As soon as Seeing AI recognizes text, it starts reading out loud.

If you would like to know more about this device, send us an email, and Terry can tell you more details on his adventures in using it/

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If you’re ever in wood river, Illinois comma please drop in to visit terry’s mini-mall. Located at 300 N wood river Ave. Wood River, Illinois 62085

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