Not the news. (89)

carpentry, construction, hardware, households, industries, measuring tapes, Photographs, tape measures, tools

t’s the podcast that will never air and video! The host try to share snacks, but Keith’s new talking computer wants to butt in. Jill shares some good news about her recent surgery. With medical reports all receiving a clean bill of health, we turn to our first segment. The random topic features a trivia quiz. Our host get to expose how little they know about auto racing.

Some unfortunate technical problems in our postproduction process means that our news segment got munched, Sorry about that. Continuing on, Jill brings us more of her weird word this week, and she brings us 10 that begin with the letter X.

Terry’s top 10 list is all about things that can be overdone. in our anchor topic, we discussed living skills. After discussing a few accessibility tips for blind people, we skip over our email segment, because we have no email. take this time right now, and jot down some ideas to ask your host anything. We would love to read your email on our show. To bring things to a close, we share some final thoughts.

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