Animal Chase. (108)

Animal Chase. (108)

Terry opens us up to talk about overly hot Ramen noodles. We share a little bit of how our Thanksgiving celebrations went, and a midnight raid on some left-over pie. Random topic features a holiday day of the week. In the news, animals’ rule. Sharks on the attack, catch and release fish, snakes who like […]

the turkey lists. (107)

the turkey lists. (107) Cooked chicken lying on a platter

Terry is back, and he’s pushing the limits on family-friendly rating. It must be his pain meds. Jill is joined by A visitor, Megan. Keith shares some important milestones. Birthdays, and A anniversaries. What was he doing 41 years ago? Let’s just say it wasn’t much fun. We play our guess the year game again […]

Bunny Trails. (106)

Bunny Trails. (106)

We get started with some opening remarks and updates despite missing one of our hosts. Our recording a schedule is a little off, but Terry had some other things scheduled. Keith and Jill fill in some of his recent adventures with his dentures. We still managed a random topic that doesn’t require the whole crew […]

Please Stand By. (104)

Please Stand By. (104) computers, electronic organizers, icons, magnifying glass icons, PDAs, and personal digital assistants.

we open up with some late breaking news about Terry, and a visitor from the cemetery. We review our holiday events from Halloween, then turn to our random topic. It’s another session of “guest the year,” and once again Terry is the weather! Things get a bit rocky as we begin sharing news. Terry shares […]

Terry Does News. (102)

Terry Does News. (102) Deer and laptop computer design.

This has been an episode that has been long in coming. We get through our usual opening, and a random topic featuring a computer trivia quiz. Terry always seems to have more than enough news stories. This week. He runs the segment and unloads as much as he likes, to empty his treasure trove of […]