happy 100. (100)

happy 100. (100) birthday cakes, decorated desserts, dining, food, Happy Birthday, special occasions

vwe open up with our usual catching up with the hosts segment, and anticipate callers to interrupt the show. Our random segment features a return to our icebreaker questions that asks the hosts anything. Phone calls began coming in as we roll into our weekly news. Terry has some world record news, Jill talks about […]

Gators on the move. (99)

Gators on the move. (99) Alligator with mouth open and lying next to water.

our opening remarks deal with a weekend wedding, and Terry’s dancing ability. Jill tells about her messy dress, and Keith reminds people that Friday, September 30 is international podcast day. Our random topic features a trivia quiz about the Bible. We think it must have been written by an atheist. In the news, Terry brings […]

Bad Jobs. (98)

Bad Jobs. (98) Cooked chicken lying on a platter

Terry tells us about a special corn maze, and Keith as a way to tell identical twins apart. Since Jill doesn’t have much to add, we begin our random segment. Can guess the year before Terry and Jill do? In the news this week Terry reports on a Penguin with a disability. Jill tells about […]

A Harry Story. (97)

A Harry Story. (97) birthday cakes, decorated desserts, dining, food, Happy Birthday, special occasions

To open up, we remember an anniversary involving Scooby Doo, and an important family milestone for one of Jill’s daughters. Keith also shares the latest vocational dreams of his granddaughter. For a random topic, we return to a trivia quiz on computers. In the news this week, Terry leads off with a big hairy problem. […]

Weird Food and a Drunken Bear. (95)

Weird Food and a Drunken Bear. (95) Deer and laptop computer design.

We start out with Terry overcoming some grumpiness over a lost ring. Jill tells about an updated Snow-White movie, and Keith shares some housekeeping about milestones in our podcast. We still need input for our 100 episodes, also, we’re still working on our official jokebook. Our random topic features some “would you rather” questions. to […]

Bears and World Records. (94)

Join us for an adventure with dentures by Terry. Keith tells about a mishap with a root beer float, and Jill has some updates from her doctor. Our random topic features something new, made-up movie reviews. Terry leads off our news with a moviegoing bear. Before were done, we share items about dumb criminals, security […]

Kaylee and Robin. (93)

Kaylee and Robin. (93) Books apple and chalkboard

We have some guests in the studio today. First, we discussed books we are reading, and wrecking the car. In our random topics we get to learn more about our guest. Robin is Keith’s wife, and Kaylee is their granddaughter. In the news we feature bears who break in prison, dumb criminals and Robin even […]

Slow News Day. (92)

Slow News Day. (92) computers, electronic organizers, icons, magnifying glass icons, PDAs, and personal digital assistants.

Keith tells how his computer tried to spy on a meeting, even starting a recording all by itself. As if to demonstrate, it starts listening to us when Terry and Jill say the magic word. Terry tells about some pop tart confusion in his family, and jill has a pool story. Our random segment is […]