Jill doesn’t have much to add in her opening comments, but Keith has a couple of stories about grandkids who visit. We’re getting close to our 100th episode, so Keith shares our voicemail number so listeners can share some funny input. Terry tells about his barcode scanner and getting pretzels mixed up with chicken stuffing. […]
Not the news. (89)
t’s the podcast that will never air and video! The host try to share snacks, but Keith’s new talking computer wants to butt in. Jill shares some good news about her recent surgery. With medical reports all receiving a clean bill of health, we turn to our first segment. The random topic features a trivia […]
Bearely The News. (88)
Listen in for a story about an 80-year-old grandma who wields a chainsaw. Keith also tells about the new treatment he may be getting for his foot. It involves a recent story from Terry, and fish skin. For our random topic, Keith asks the host questions. Listen and learn more about them. in the news, […]
Gators, Roaches, and More Gators. (87)
Terry starts with some sad updates, but can we make them funny? After Jill pitches in, Keith shares about a tasty treat from a town with a funny name. Due to some connection problems, Terry falls off-line, but we get started with our random topic without him and catch up on some holidays. Terry pops […]
Some Fishy Stories. (86)
there’s not much to tell to get started, other than some tales of blindness mishaps. Terry tells a little bit about his recent trip to see a play at the Muni Theater. Our random topic takes us to a trivia quiz. Some easy stuff about the gospel. In our news, we lead off with world […]
Doggie Burglars. (85)
We have a special guest with us as we open the show. Rhonda is a recent member of the Maddison County Association of the Blind, and phoned in to join us. We discussed recent happenings with grandkids, and even a misunderstanding about a national monument. After getting caught up, we move into our random topic. […]
A Mermaids Tail. (84)
We open up by telling about a comedy conference we went to over the weekend. At least Jill and Keith do, Terry was not able to go. Instead, Terry tells about stapling his finger with his new stapler. As we begin hopping down the bunny trail, we transition to our new random segment. Today, we […]
Deer Under the Influence. (83)
Jill tells us about the joys of smoking cream cheese. Terry talks about his first mosquito bite of the season. Keith clarifies a few matters regarding kids in the house and vacation Bible school. A phone call comes in for Terry and shares some breaking news about the health department and his wife’s business. Our […]
Bearded Dragon Square Pants. (82)
Catch up with the hosts, and learn about recent birthdays, visiting relatives, and broken air conditioners. Our random segment finds your host conducting a trivia quiz on a topic no one knows about. Moving into the news Keith has very little to contribute, other than a stray headline or two. Terry carries the weight of […]
Fantasy Career. (81)
We open up with Jill sharing about troubles with stubborn oven doors. Keith recounts the progress and getting situated in the new house, and Terry manages to place an order on Amazon all by himself. Learn more about the hosts in our new random segment. Including fantasy jobs and movie stars. In the news this […]