Spooky. (50)

Spooky. (50) Girl standing at the door wearing a witches costume trick or treating.

Keith shares about an upcoming VA doctor appointment, and a podcast recommendation, Blind Abilities. Terry welcomes new listeners. A birthday sneeze scares Jill’s granddaughter. We make plans for some spooky, Halloween fun coming up for the next few episodes. Holidays include days for skeptics, medical professionals, reminders for various self-care, lots of food days, pets, […]

Angry Pheasant. (48)

Angry Pheasant. (48) .

Terry starts us off with a spooky story, and Jill tells about her weekend. Holidays this week include some fun food days and celebrating relationships. The Retrobots chime in with some details on Hug a Kevin day. A listener shares a story about a redneck co-worker and roadkill that wasn’t dead yet. In the news, […]

Lucky Day. (47)

Lucky Day. (47)

Enjoy learning about a Pokémon fight, and the trouble with swing sets. Some kids are never satisfied. Jill tells about her grandkids making her feel old. We turn to the holidays of the week. Celebrate some autumn festivals and the first day of Fall. There’s also a special day for Hobbits, elephants, white chocolate, redheads, […]

Retrobot Rescue. (46)

Retrobot Rescue. (46) Robot

Keith leads off with an offensive story and a kid who likes to punch flour bags. Jill embarrasses her daughter with a pair of pantyhose, and Terry has plumbing problems. He also uses the bible to help with his central air system. Learn a little about burning CDs and ugly tomatoes. There’s lots of fun, […]

Unruly Animals. (44)

Unruly Animals. (44) The tail of a whale emerging from the ocean. The tail is large and dark, with water cascading off it, creating a dramatic effect against the expanse of the sea. The sky is overcast, and the ocean appears calm, enhancing the majestic presence of the whale.

Get caught up with the hosts. Jill tells about watching old movies, Keith has a domestic terrorist in the house, and Terry talks about a drug addiction. There’s also a matter of a new baby named for an airplane. Holidays are abundant as we shift from one month to another. Celebrate food, laziness, religion, birthdays, […]

Mystery Shark. (43)

Mystery Shark. (43)

Terry remarks on our approaching milestone in podcasting. We’re sneaking up on a full year of episodes. Keith shares a helpful word from a concerned listener, and Jill is having trouble with her head. Is it more than just a bad hair day? Holidays this week feature dogs, lots of food, planets, clothes, and more. […]

Socially Blind. (41)

Socially Blind. (41) Group of six people, wearing party hats, raising their glasses.

This past weekend was an end of a 100-year era of a #social club for the #blind, and we share some high points of the event we all attended. From the registration and business to winning at #bingo and cool #auction items it was a full day of fun, food, and hanging out with friends. […]