Personal Fun with Animals. (203)

Friendly Male and Female Doctors Isolated on a White Background.

Quick recap

Keith, Terry, and Jill, hosts of the “That Sounds Funny” podcast, shared personal stories, discussed various topics including holidays, birthdays, and current events, and engaged in word games during their meeting. They touched on frustrations with political commercials and explored the meanings of different words. The group also conversed about recent news stories, including animal-related incidents and unusual contests.


Keith, Terry, and Jill Podcast Episode 203

Keith, Terry, and Jill, two blind brothers and a blind sister, host a podcast called “That Sounds Funny” in its fourth season. In episode 203, recorded on October 8th, 2024, they discuss their plans for the previous week when they couldn’t record due to an issue with Keith. Terry shares a funny story about getting a haircut and discovering a mysterious scab on his head. Keith mentions a shooting incident in Donaldson.

Keith, Jill, and Terry shared personal anecdotes and humor, with Keith recounting a story about a man who had his brother shoot his wife, and a new kitten named Miss Kitty. Jill shared a funny story about her grandson’s joke about a deer with no eyes or feet, which he named Edward. The group also discussed a song about a reindeer named Camilla that got run over. The conversation ended on a light-hearted note with everyone enjoying the shared stories and humor. The group also discussed their frustration with political commercials, which they found misleading and lacking in facts. They agreed that both candidates need to be fact-checked, as the commercials often contain propaganda and lies about the opposing side.

Keith shared his recent experiences, including a foot injury. He explained that he had been dealing with open wounds and was supposed to see an infectious disease doctor, but due to a swollen and red foot, he was sent to the emergency room where it was discovered he had a broken bone. Keith also mentioned that he had been unable to get an appointment with an orthopedic doctor to further investigate the issue. The team also discussed their personal experiences, including Terry’s memory of his father kicking him in the butt, which resulted in a broken finger. The conversation ended with Keith sharing his experiences of trying to work while keeping his foot elevated.

Random Topic

We don’t have our usual birthday segment, but Keith and Terry reminisced about notable birthdays, including Jimmy Carter’s 100th birthday and Larry Fine’s 100th birthday. They also discussed the history of the 3 Stooges, with Keith clarifying that Larry Fine and Moe Howard were the original stooges, and Curly Howard joined later.

We finally get to our random topic and feature October 17. Keith discussed various holidays and events, including Black Poetry Day, Child Poverty Day, and the Day of the Races. He also mentioned the International Day to Eradicate Poverty and the National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day.

This Week in the News

Terry then shared news about the National Toy Museum inducting 12 new toys, including balloons, choose-your-own-adventure books, and remote-control vehicles.
Jill shared an amusing story about Damian Lewis, an actor, leading a ceremonial sheep crossing over the London Bridge, an event claimed to have been happening for centuries but only in its 11th annual occurrence.

Keith shared a story about a challenge being made to the LGBT community. The group’s goals were either to expose hypocrisy in supporting both LGBT and Palestinian causes, or potentially change Hamas’ stance on the issue.

Terry shared a story about two squirrels in England who boarded a subway train without paying for a ticket, causing chaos among passengers. The train was diverted, and the squirrels were eventually lured off the train with nuts. Jill’s shared a story about a criminal hiding in a dilapidated building, who fell through the ceiling and was caught by the marshals. Keith then shared a story about a bear contest in Alaska’s Katmai National Park and Reserve, where bears are voted on for who will gain the most weight before hibernation. The contest is part of Black Bear Week and allows people to vote online for their favorite bear or cub.

Keith, Terry, and Jill had a casual conversation involving a cheesecake competition in Lowville and the potential Mega Millions lottery cost increase from $2 to $5 per ticket, which Terry expressed concern about affording. Keith humorously suggested people could donate to help Terry buy a ticket.

Jill’s Weird Words

Jill and Keith also discussed the meanings of words like ‘reliquary’, ‘erudacious’, ‘Erinaceus’, and ‘soygne’, with Keith linking some humorously to Terry’s stepdaughter. Jill expressed surprise at the lack of information for some words. The conversation ended without significant decisions, with Terry possibly leaving due to a phone call.

Terry’s Top 10

Terry shared a short, yet long list that we reviewed fairly quickly.

Anchor Topic

This week our anchor topic features manual skills. Keith shares a little about a recent podcast episode he heard that deals with blind people and woodworking shop. The idea is that even though you lose your eyesight, there are still plenty of ways to keep yourself busy and productive.

After reading an email about an overeager car mechanic, we wrap it all up was our usual final thoughts.

AI-generated content, slightly edited by Keith.

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