Socially Blind. (41)

Group of six people, wearing party hats, raising their glasses.

This past weekend was an end of a 100-year era of a #social club for the #blind, and we share some high points of the event we all attended. From the registration and business to winning at #bingo and cool #auction items it was a full day of fun, food, and hanging out with friends. After the lengthy details of food and farting in an elevator, we get to the #holidays of the week. Time to gear up for school, blame others, go bowling, and more.

News of the week includes flying #turtles, pigs on the loose, Fish with human teeth, a #bear dining out, contraband at the airport, a lost fortune, and more. The fun with #lotteries is helped by a guest and a 3-legged elephant, then we turn to Jill’s weird words and Terry’s top ten list of fashion faux pas.

To wrap up, we return to the area of living skills as our anchor topic. Terry and Jill lead the way in such simple techniques as pouring a drink and seasoning food. Of course, we read a listener email, and we would love to read yours too. Just drop us a line using the contact page.

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