Wild Irish Animals. (18)

Saint Patrick's Day Banner and Hat.

Our opening stories are about dogs, hundred-year-old grandkids, and a few items of housekeeping. Be sure to hit up our donate button and use the contact page to tell us your funny story. We also have a note on our podcast ranking. The news headlines feature stories on a late-breaking topic. The racist Dr. Seuss has been banned from National Book Reading Day. Terry kicks off the news with coyotes in Florida. Then it is off to naked gunshot victims, dog walkers, sneaky snakes, stuck deer, an Irish monkey, traveling seals, pooping owls, lazy ducks and so much more.

After a break, we return with Terry’s Top Ten list of trivial facts about St. Pattrick. There’s a new segment on asking the hosts anything. Send us your question, funny story, or questions on blindness. Our anchor topic had to be cut short, partly due to time limitations, and partly due to interruptions. Enjoy the topic of how to match clothes together, and our usual closing thoughts.

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