Jill has an update about a post on Facebook she saw. A blind guy had mixed up furniture polish with bug spray. His furniture may need re-polish, but at least it’s fumigated. Keith shares about one of our voices of the podcast getting his first contact lenses, and breaking them already. Terry tells how are […]
Emergency! Winter Skinny Dipping. (169)
Keith gets us started with an update of his medical procedures last week. Don’t worry, he has a cleaned-out bill of health. Terry adds his adventures with a variety of technical and household related things. Jill doesn’t have much to add, and just enjoys the ride so far. After a few Bertie updates, we feature […]
Duty To Paperwork. (168)
We get started with a few interruptions and technical difficulties. While left unattended, Terry is left to be his unfiltered self. Fortunately, we have the magic of postproduction. Keith shares that his interruption was to reschedule a medical appointment. Jill tells us a story about her five-year-old grandson and the problem he faces in the […]
Surviving a Fall. (167)
Although we don’t have much to discuss, we find ourselves talking about the cold snap and the weather, MLK day and a recent passing of a friend. We also discussed chicken dinners, a chilly day in a restaurant, and Terry has a long list of birthdays for us this week. The fickle finger of fate […]
Streaking Kindergartner. (166)
As we get started, Terry is having trouble with his microphone. Jill tells about her grandson and a misunderstanding about chicken fingers. Keith shares how his date with his wife went on her birthday. He has a quick review of the Japanese restaurant where they ate, and the new movie, Wonka. Terry joins just-in-time to […]
Traveling Animals and Their Humans. (165)
we opened by talking a little bit about our New Year’s Day traditions. Keith shares that the Disney short, “Steamboat Willie” is now in the public domain. There’s not much else to say, so Terry shares a few birthdays of the week. Our random topic is our “guess the year” game. It turns out to […]
False Alarm. (164)
while Terry and Jill wait for the podcast to start, they in the retro bots discover a disturbing obituary. Can it be? Have we lost one of our hosts? Fortunately for us we live to podcasts another day. But we spend time to wish the family of the deceased Keith Heltsley our condolences, since we […]
Gifts, Candy and Holiday Tips. (163)
Terry starts us off with talking about some painful moments with some tender areas. Keith shares about a new holiday podcast he discovered. Jill has an update with a grandchild in their Christmas greetings. The sharing continues as we move into our random topic. Keith returns to a special list of gifts you may not […]
Santa’s Naughty List. (162)
As we roll into a Christmas themed episode, Terry tempts us with their preview of his fans only account (just kidding). He tries to answer the question, “should almonds squirm when you eat them?” Then he tells about reusable birthday cards. Keith gives us an update about a wardrobe malfunction regarding his wife. It could […]
Birthday Stories . (161)
Terry reminds us that this week is his birthday. We spent time discussing our own birth stories. Keith shares a news item about a recent movie, and about a new type of jet fuel. Before we begin our random topic, Terry shares a few other notable birthdays of the week. Keith has a special item […]