As we get started, Terry seems to be free of his entanglements with the unfunny pulleys from last week. Jill doesn’t have anything new to open up with, but Terry talks about adventures with his CPAP machine. Just how much music will his CPAP SD card hold anyway? Keith has a couple of medical related […]
Unfunny Police. (149)
before we get started, Terry tells us about a run in with some unfunny policeman. It turns out to be a running joke through the episode since he continues to have connection trouble today. We get started even though Terry seems to be in funny jail. Jill tells us about her daughter’s birthday, and an […]
A Load of Bull. (148)
To get started with a little bit of what’s new, Terry tells us about washing his dainty things in the shower. Jill tells about her daughter’s pet chickens, and an awkward moment with KFC. Keith lets everyone know that the honeymoon with the new puppy in the house is officially over. For our random topic, […]
Runaway Goats. (147)
For a little bit of what’s new, Terry updates us on what he is been watching lately. Jill shares an update about a camel siding in Kansas, as reported by her daughter. There’s a new puppy in the house! And one of Keith’s grandsons is on maternity leave! For our random topic we spend a […]
Sunflowers Forever. (146)
To open of the episode, Terry talks about another podcast who stole one of our segments. Keith shares a brief remark on a recent email subject he received. Jill shares about a book she was reading with a helpful hint on how to identify a bear. For a random topic, we take a moment to […]
Accidentally White. (145)
Jill starts us out by telling us about her trip to the Muni, and her experience in watching the play. Keith tells us about the world’s slowest tornado. Terry shares some text message interaction he had with a blind friend who put on mosquito repellent, but ended up spray painting himself all white. For our […]
Blindness Etiquette. (144)
since Terry doesn’t have too much to add, Keith opens up with a kitty cat ordeal during the recent weeks of summer camp. Jill tells the story about a funny head injury. Our random topic today is your chance to ask the host anything. Terry opens up our news segment with the story about a […]
wild Little Ponies. (143)
Keith has an off-script update about happenings at his bowling alley. Then he shares his thoughts about a recent headline in the St. Louis news. Terry can’t remember his opening remarks that he had planned. After Jill updates us about an embarrassing moment with her Apple Watch, we turn to our random topic. Terry once […]
Don’t Lose Your Head. (142)
Keith shares a report on how camp went last week. Teenage girls don’t fart, do they? Terry tells about his new hot dog toaster. Jill shares a dieting tip she Learned from a book that she has been reading. Our random topic is a fairytale mad Lib. In the news this week, Terry has a […]
Feeling Like the First Time. (141)
Terry is back! We let him handle our opening segment. He has a story about a bee sting, and the hospital trip. For our random topic we share our made-up movie reviews. There seems to be plenty of documentaries on the schedule for this week. In the news, Terry tells us about an alligator who […]