Worldwide Weirdness. (153)

Pumpkin patch with wagons.

we’re getting close to rolling into a new season, and Terry opens up by filling us in on his latest adventures and watching Star Trek. Jill reminds us that it’s a special day in her house, since it’s her husband’s birthday. Keith doesn’t have much to share this week, other than donating money to the Terry pop tart fund. In our random topic we feature our world-famous made-up movie reviews! As usual, our reviews are 100% correct, you can trust us and not the Hollywood reviews that Keith compares hours to.

In the news this week, Terry tells us about events in Jerusalem. No, it has nothing to do with the recent fighting with Gaza. Someone has stolen the body of a battle tank and sold it for scrap at a junkyard. Jill tells us about an error being be in Scotland. Imagine staying in Shrek’s swamp with all the characters and trimmings. There’s a special deal for the month of October only! Keith returns us to America and the wild Moose that trampled a woman and her dog in Colorado. We have more deadly stories from the UK featuring beans, deadly St. Louis drivers, and lots more. Stay tuned for more wacky new stories from around the world.

It’s time for Jill’s weird words, and she gives us another break with some that we can actually guess most of them. Terry’s top 10 list is all about medical treatments that sound like total BS.

Our anchor topic is on living skills. Keith was going to have a demonstration today, but a new microwave that he ordered never showed up. Instead, he describes the convenience of how a smart microwave can link to an Amazon device and do just as well as a talking microwave.

Our email features a quick story from a relieved parent who found out what his daughter was learning at school. To wrap everything up, we share a few final thoughts.

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