Streaking Kindergartner. (166)

birthday cakes, decorated desserts, dining, food, Happy Birthday, special occasions

As we get started, Terry is having trouble with his microphone. Jill tells about her grandson and a misunderstanding about chicken fingers. Keith shares how his date with his wife went on her birthday. He has a quick review of the Japanese restaurant where they ate, and the new movie, Wonka. Terry joins just-in-time to share his weekly birthdays. Our random segment returns us to guessing the year. This time we managed to get it in only a few guesses.

In the news, Terry leads off with a story about some playful whales and a three hour show they performed for some human watchers. Jill tells us about how people across the nation celebrated the new year. There was more than just a ball falling. Ducks, pickles and even moon pies. Keith has a story about a baby who graduated from college, sort of. Stay tuned for more news about Christmas shopping dear, and unusual boat trailer, unusual police boats, zombie dear and much more.

Jill has a Yiddish word list for us to guess. Terry has a top 10 list of animals and how they get high. Okay, some of them are actually humans getting high with a little help from their animal friends.

Our anchor topic is a catchall this week. Instead of discussing initial ways for a blind person to get help, we tried to share awkward moments where someone has tried to be helpful. We can’t think of anything in that department either, so Keith shares an update on a couple of podcasts he has recently discovered and an awkward day in the first week of school.

Sorry, we don’t have any email this week. This is your segment and we need listeners to send in your own funny family stories. Leave us a voicemail, ask us a question about blindness, or anything you think we might be able to use in the podcast. We would love to hear from you. To close everything out we share a few final thoughts.

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